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Novas pesquisas avaliam a contaminação do leite materno à poluição e aos produtos químicos tóxicos

Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 116, Number 10, October 2008

A revista Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 116, Number 10, é especialmente dedicada às questões de saúde relacionadas com poluição e contaminação química, inclusive durante a amamentação.

Os benefícios da amamentação para a saúde, tanto para mãe e filho, foram amplamente documentados. Mas pesquisas e estudos identificaram números cada vez maiores de substâncias tóxicas no leite materno e, agora, cientistas, médicos e paisquestionam se os benefícios da amamentação superam os potenciais riscos apresentados pela exposição dos bebês a produtos químicos tóxicos. Por Henrique Cortez, do EcoDebate.

Abaixo apresentamos o sumário da revista, com os artigos científicos, os links de acesso aos abstracts e os links para a íntegra dos artigos no formato HTML e PDF.

Os textos estão no original em inglês e são de livre acesso, leitura e download. Para traduzir o texto utilize a barra de ferramentas de idiomas, no topo da matéria, logo abaixo do título e, na caixa de opções, selecione o idioma “Português”.


POPULATION HEALTH | Community-Based Participatory Research: A Vehicle to Promote Public Engagement for Environmental Health in China
Robbie Ali, Kenneth Olden, and Shunqing Xu
1281 [ Abstract ] [ Full ] [ PDF ]


CHILDREN’S HEALTH | Lead Exposures in U.S. Children, 2008: Implications for Prevention
Ronnie Levin, Mary Jean Brown, Michael E. Kashtock, David E. Jacobs, Elizabeth A. Whelan, Joanne Rodman, Michael R. Schock, Alma Padilla, and Thomas Sinks
1285 [ Abstract ] [ Full ] [ PDF ]


CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE | Impairment of NO-Dependent Relaxation in Intralobar Pulmonary Arteries: Comparison of Urban Particulate Matter and Manufactured Nanoparticles
Arnaud Courtois, Pascal Andujar, Yannick Ladeiro, Isabelle Baudrimont, Estelle Delannoy, Véronique Leblais, Hugues Begueret, Marie Annick Billon Galland, Patrick Brochard, Francelyne Marano, Roger Marthan, and Bernard Muller
1294 [ Abstract ] [ Full ] [ PDF ]

BUILT ENVIRONMENT | Built Environment and Physical Functioning in Hispanic Elders: The Role of “Eyes on the Street”
Scott C. Brown, Craig A. Mason, Tatiana Perrino, Joanna L. Lombard, Frank Martinez, Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, Arnold R. Spokane, and José Szapocznik
1300 [ Abstract ] [ Full ] [ PDF ]

NEURODEVEOPMENT | Exposure of Neonatal Rats to Parathion Elicits Sex-Selective Impairment of Acetylcholine Systems in Brain Regions during Adolescence and Adulthood
Theodore A. Slotkin, Bethany E. Bodwell, Ian T. Ryde, Edward D. Levin, and Frederic J. Seidler
1308 [ Abstract ] [ Full ] [ PDF ]

METABOLISM | Hydroxylated Metabolites of the Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether Mixture DE-71 Are Weak Estrogen Receptor-? Ligands
Minerva Mercado-Feliciano and Robert M. Bigsby
1315 [ Abstract ] [ Full ] [ PDF ]

NEUROBEHAVIORAL DISEASE | Developmental Lead Exposure Induces Tactile Defensiveness in Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca Mulatta)
Colleen F. Moore, Lisa L. Gajewski, Nellie K. Laughlin, Melissa L. Luck, Julie A. Larson, and Mary L. Schneider
1322 [ Abstract ] [ Full ] [ PDF ]

RISK ASSESSMENT | Lung Cancer and Vehicle Exhaust in Trucking Industry Workers
Eric Garshick, Francine Laden, Jaime E. Hart, Bernard Rosner, Mary E. Davis, Ellen A. Eisen, and Thomas J. Smith
1327 [ Abstract ] [ Full ] [ PDF ]

RESPIRATORY DISEASE | Association between Traffic-Related Black Carbon Exposure and Lung Function among Urban Women
Shakira Franco Suglia, Alexandros Gryparis, Joel Schwartz, and Rosalind J. Wright
1333 [ Abstract ] [ Full ] [ PDF ]

BONE AND CARTILAGE | Urinary Cadmium and Osteoporosis in U.S. Women ? 50 Years of Age: NHANES 1988–1994 and 1999–2004
Carolyn M. Gallagher, John S. Kovach, and Jaymie R. Meliker
1338 [ Abstract ] [ Full ] [ PDF ]

RISK ASSESSMENT | A Margin-of-Exposure Approach to Assessment of Noncancer Risks of Dioxins Based on Human Exposure and Response Data
Lesa L. Aylward, Julie E. Goodman, Gail Charnley, and Lorenz R. Rhomberg
1344 [ Abstract ] [ Full ] [ PDF ]

LIVER | Marked Liver Tumorigenesis by Helicobacter hepaticus Requires Perinatal Exposure
Bhalchandra A. Diwan, Marek Sipowicz, Daniel Logsdon, Peter Gorelick, Miriam R. Anver, Kazimierz S. Kasprzak, and Lucy M. Anderson
red arrowAlso see Science Selections, p. A440
1352 [ Abstract ] [ Full ] [ PDF ]

CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE | Differences in Heart Rate Variability Associated with Long-Term Exposure to NO2
Denise Felber Dietrich, Armin Gemperli, Jean-Michel Gaspoz, Christian Schindler, L.-J. Sally Liu, Diane R. Gold, Joel Schwartz, Thierry Rochat, Jean-Claude Barthélémy, Marco Pons, Frédéric Roche, Nicole M. Probst Hensch, Pierre-Olivier Bridevaux, Margaret W. Gerbase, Urs Neu, Ursula Ackermann-Liebrich, and the SAPALDIA Team
1357 [ Abstract ] [ Full ] [ PDF ]

ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE | Air Pollution and Odor in Communities Near Industrial Swine Operations
Steve Wing, Rachel Avery Horton, Stephen W. Marshall, Kendall Thu, Mansoureh Tajik, Leah Schinasi, and Susan S. Schiffman
1362 [ Abstract ] [ Full ] [ PDF ]


NEUROBEHAVIORAL DISEASE | The Effect of Heat Waves on Mental Health in a Temperate Australian City
Alana Hansen, Peng Bi, Monika Nitschke, Philip Ryan, Dino Pisaniello, and Graeme Tucker
1369 [ Abstract ] [ Full ] [ PDF ]


ENDOCRINE SYSTEM | Birth Delivery Mode Modifies the Associations between Prenatal Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether (PBDE) and Neonatal Thyroid Hormone Levels
Julie B. Herbstman, Andreas Sjödin, Benjamin J. Apelberg, Frank R. Witter, Rolf U. Halden, Donald G. Patterson Jr., Susan R. Panny, Larry L. Needham, and Lynn R. Goldman
1376 [ Abstract ] [ Full ] [ PDF ]

RESPIRATORY HEALTH | Respiratory and Other Health Effects Reported in Children Exposed to the World Trade Center Disaster of 11 September 2001
Pauline A. Thomas, Robert Brackbill, Lisa Thalji, Laura DiGrande, Sharon Campolucci, Lorna Thorpe, and Kelly Henning
red arrowAlso see Science Selections, p. A440
1383 [ Abstract ] [ Full ] [ PDF ]

NEURODEVELOPMENT | Prenatal Exposure to Perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) and Perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) and Maternally Reported Developmental Milestones in Infancy
Chunyuan Fei, Joseph K. McLaughlin, Loren Lipworth, and Jørn Olsen
red arrowAlso see Science Selections, p. A441
1391 [ Abstract ] [ Full ] [ PDF ]

NEUROBEHAVIORAL TOXICITY | Benefits of Reducing Prenatal Exposure to Coal-Burning Pollutants to Children’s Neurodevelopment in China
Frederica Perera, Tin-yu Li, Zhi-jun Zhou, Tao Yuan, Yu-hui Chen, Lirong Qu, Virginia A. Rauh, Yiguan Zhang, and Deliang Tang
red arrowAlso see Science Selections, p. A441
1396 [ Abstract ] [ Full ] [ PDF ]

NEUROBEHAVIORAL TOXICITY | Case–Control Study of Blood Lead Levels and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Chinese Children
Hui-Li Wang, Xiang-Tao Chen, Bin Yang, Fang-Li Ma, Shu Wang, Ming-Liang Tang, Ming-Gao Hao, and Di-Yun Ruan
1401 [ Abstract ] [ Full ] [ PDF ]

HUMAN TOXICOLOGY | Urinary Porphyrin Excretion in Children Is Associated with Exposure to Organochlorine Compounds
Jordi Sunyer, Mar Alvarez-Pedrerol, Jordi To-Figueras, Núria Ribas-Fitó, Joan O. Grimalt, and Carmen Herrero
1407 [ Abstract ] [ Full ] [ PDF ]

FETAL DEVELOPMENT | Ozone and Other Air Pollutants and the Risk of Oral Clefts
Bing-Fang Hwang and Jouni J.K. Jaakkola
1411 [ Abstract ] [ Full ] [ PDF ]

NEUROBEHAVIORAL TOXICITY | The Relationship between Prenatal PCB Exposure and Intelligence (IQ) in 9-Year-Old Children
Paul W. Stewart, Edward Lonky, Jacqueline Reihman, James Pagano, Brooks B. Gump, and Thomas Darvill
1416 [ Abstract ] [ Full ] [ PDF ]

RESPIRATORY DISEASE | The Influence of Living Near Roadways on Spirometry and Exhaled Nitric Oxide in Elementary Schoolchildren
Robert Dales, Amanda Wheeler, Mamun Mahmud, Anna Maria Frescura, Marc Smith-Doiron, Elizabeth Nethery, and Ling Liu
1423 [ Abstract ] [ Full ] [ PDF ]

ASTHMA | A Longitudinal Study of Indoor Nitrogen Dioxide Levels and Respiratory Symptoms in Inner-City Children with Asthma
Nadia N. Hansel, Patrick N. Breysse, Meredith C. McCormack, Elizabeth C. Matsui, Jean Curtin-Brosnan, D’Ann L. Williams, Jennifer L. Moore, Jennifer L. Cuhran, and Gregory B. Diette
1428 [ Abstract ] [ Full ] [ PDF ]

ASTHMA | Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Asthma Onset in Children: A Prospective Cohort Study with Individual Exposure Measurement
Michael Jerrett, Ketan Shankardass, Kiros Berhane, W. James Gauderman, Nino Künzli, Edward Avol, Frank Gilliland, Fred Lurmann, Jassy N. Molitor, John T. Molitor, Duncan C. Thomas, John Peters, and Rob McConnell
1433 [ Abstract ] [ Full ] [ PDF ]

[EcoDebate, 11/10/2008]

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