Climate Change and Responsible Business
Climate Change and Responsible Business
In recent years, humanity has faced a mass of catastrophes of different characters, which have affected almost all countries:
• — Floods and hurricanes
• — The Covid pandemic and the spread of other diseases
• — Wars and gun violence
But there is another threat ahead, which is much talked about last decade. The practical steps to prevent it are not yet being taken at a sufficient level to say that they can seriously impact something. The acuteness of this problem is well understood by the EcoDebate web magazine for social and environmental information, which publishes:
• — news
• — articles
• — analytical materials on environmental topics in general and climate change issues in particular
Responsible Business and Environmental Protection
When it comes to environmental responsibility, every business needs to rethink its impact on the environment:
• — Analyze and plan what can be changed to eliminate the negative impact on nature.
• — Start putting the plan into action day by day. Start with small steps, at least with a reminder of how important this issue is. For example:
• – When creating a cartão de visita online grátis, add eco-style elements there.
• – Add an environmental theme to your branded products.
• – Let the environmental theme be covered on your website.
When awareness of the importance of this issue is formed, brainstorm with employees to discover as many ideas as possible on how you can minimize your environmental impact.
Use EcoDebate Electronic Magazine Topics in Your Discussions
To actualize the problem of climate change within your team, simple slogans will not be enough. You need to rely on facts that shockingly demonstrate that if humanity as a whole and each of us does not think today and change its habitual way of life, tomorrow, this will have to be done in a much more unfavorable situation.
The EcoDebate electronic magazine was created specifically to:
• — gather
• — analyze
• — discuss environmental issues
Its authors and main readers are activists of social movements who seek to not only convey to the public the full extent of the threat but also take active steps to counter it.
However, today, it becomes more and more obvious that it is impossible to change anything only through the efforts of activists. Therefore, by involving responsible businesses in environmental protection activities, there is hope to expand the circle of participants for whom this topic is not indifferent. And the wider this circle, the greater will be the radius of action of programs aimed at saving the planet from a climate catastrophe.
Community Ideal for EcoDebate Activists
Changing the social structure and making it more receptive to environmental issues is not so simple. Moreover, without changing the fundamental moments in the life of societies, there won’t be any effect on the efforts of saving the environment. Therefore, one of the central topics of the magazine is the debate about the general model of development for societies.
What is the main concept of EcoDebate?
• — Rejection of an exploitative and irresponsible regime of wealth appropriation that works for a powerful and greedy minority.
• — In favor of a socially just society, which will be responsible and careful in relation to both the environment and ordinary citizens.
The EcoDebate magazine with its activities sets an example of a responsible attitude to the issues raised. All articles and materials on the site are free so that the maximum number of people could get access to critical information. This is not a commercial project but the desire to participate together in solving a problem that is becoming more and more obvious every day.
What Can Business Do to Save the Environment?
Of course, the approach to a set of measures for business will be different depending on the degree of its impact on the environment. A business that dumps sewage into waterways or releases poisonous gasses into the atmosphere is certainly different from a real estate agency that rents an office in a business district.
But in both cases, as well as in many other unique cases, there is room for revision of daily practices. Here is a small list of measures that any company can take:
• — Optimize your office space. Is it possible that you have employees sitting in separate rooms that are brightly lit and consume a lot of electricity?
• — Optimize the transport routes of your employees. Use economic measures to encourage car sharing so employees who live close to each other do not commute to work in separate vehicles.
• — Optimize water consumption in the office. Install faucets that respond to demand to reduce unnecessary leakage. Also, consider a centralized supply of drinking water so that each employee does not go around with a plastic bottle.
These are just a few obvious steps that can be taken by any responsible company that wants to support the environmental movement. Read about what else can be done on the pages of the unique EcoDebate electronic magazine, which does everything to make environmental issues obvious to the maximum number of people.
in EcoDebate, ISSN 2446-9394, 21/06/2022
A manutenção da revista eletrônica EcoDebate é possível graças ao apoio técnico e hospedagem da Porto Fácil.
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