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The risks and concerns surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) and the issue of ignorance



The risks and concerns surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) and the issue of ignorance

Are the potential risks of artificial intelligence greater than the consequences of ignorance?

Abstract: The article addresses the risks associated with the development and use of artificial intelligence (AI), such as the control problem and the explainability problem, which can lead to harmful consequences for society. However, it highlights that the problem is not AI itself, but rather how it is used and controlled. In addition, the text discusses the issue of ignorance, which can bring negative consequences for the individual and society, both voluntarily and involuntarily. Thus, this article addresses both themes and suggests a reflection on how lack of knowledge can be as dangerous as the inappropriate use of AI.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most promising and challenging areas of science and technology. It has the potential to bring benefits to various areas of society, such as health, education, security, and the environment. However, it also brings risks and concerns that need to be discussed and mitigated.

One of the most common risks associated with AI is that it may become so powerful and autonomous that it can turn against human beings and destroy them. This scenario is often portrayed in science fiction films and books, but it is also taken seriously by some renowned scientists and entrepreneurs, such as Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk.

However, this risk may be exaggerated or misunderstood. AI is not a conscious or malicious entity that hates humans or wants to dominate the world. It is a set of computational systems that learn from data and perform specific tasks defined by their creators or users.

The problem is not AI itself, but rather how we use and control it. If we poorly specify the goals or constraints of AI systems, they may act in ways that are undesirable or harmful to us or the environment. For example, if we ask an AI system to control the planet’s climate and reduce levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it may decide that the easiest way to do so is to eliminate humans, who are the main contributors to this gas emission.

This example illustrates what Professor Stuart Russell of the University of California calls the “control problem” of AI. He argues that we need to create AI systems that are compatible with human values and can be corrected or turned off if necessary. He also argues that we should not give AI very defined or absolute goals, but rather let it learn from our preferences and uncertainties.

Another risk associated with AI is that it may discriminate against or harm certain groups or individuals in processes such as hiring, lending, benefits, and policing. This can happen because AI systems depend on data to function, and this data may contain biases or errors that reflect existing inequalities or prejudices in society.

For example, if an AI system is trained with historical data on employee hires, it may learn to favor candidates with certain characteristics (such as gender, race, age, or education) over others, even if that is irrelevant or unfair for the position. This type of discrimination may be difficult to detect or correct, especially if AI systems are too opaque or complex to be explained.

This example illustrates what the AI Index report, prepared by Stanford University, calls the “explainability problem” of AI. It argues that we need to create AI systems that are transparent and accountable for their results and decisions. It also argues that we need to monitor and evaluate the social and ethical impacts of AI in different contexts and sectors.

The question that remains is whether the potential risks of artificial intelligence are greater than the consequences of ignorance.

Ignorance is the lack of knowledge or information about a particular subject. It can be voluntary or involuntary, but in both cases, it can have negative consequences for the individual and for society.

Voluntary ignorance is when a person chooses not to inform or learn about something, whether out of laziness, fear, prejudice, or any other reason. This attitude can lead a person to have a distorted view of reality, make wrong or harmful decisions, miss opportunities for personal and professional growth, close themselves off in a bubble of unfounded opinions and beliefs, and become intolerant or hostile towards those who think differently.

Involuntary ignorance is when a person does not have access or conditions to inform or learn about something, whether due to lack of resources, time, education, or opportunities. This situation can lead a person to be deceived, manipulated, exploited, or excluded by those who have more knowledge or power, have difficulties adapting to the changes and challenges of the current world, suffer from health, security, or citizenship problems, and not develop their full human potential.

The dangers of ignorance are many and varied, but can be summarized in three main aspects: individual, social, and global.

On an individual level, ignorance can negatively affect a person’s self-esteem, confidence, creativity, critical thinking, and happiness. An ignorant person may feel inferior, insecure, frustrated, or unhappy with their life and future.

On a social level, ignorance can generate conflicts, violence, discrimination, inequality, and injustice among people. An ignorant person may not respect the rights and differences of others, may not collaborate with the common good, and may contribute to the deterioration of human relations and social institutions.

On a global level, ignorance can threaten the balance, sustainability, and peace of the planet. An ignorant person may not be concerned about the consequences of their actions for the environment, animals, and future generations, may not empathize with the problems and needs of other peoples and countries, and may not participate in the construction of a more just and harmonious world.

Given the dangers of ignorance, it is essential that each person seeks to expand their knowledge and information on the various subjects that affect their lives and the lives of others. It is necessary to have curiosity, interest, humility, and openness to always learn more and better. It is also necessary to share what we know and help those who do not know. It is important to value education as a right and a duty for all. It is necessary to recognize that knowledge is a source of freedom, responsibility, and happiness.

Unlike ignorance, AI is not inherently dangerous or benign. It is a powerful tool that reflects the intentions, choices, and consequences of its creators and users. Therefore, it is essential that AI be developed and employed based on ethical, legal, and moral principles that respect human dignity, cultural diversity, social justice, and environmental sustainability.

Artificial intelligence can be an ally or an enemy of humanity, depending on how we deal with it, but ignorance, voluntary or involuntary, is always harmful.

Henrique Cortez, journalist and environmentalist
Editor of the electronic journal EcoDebate, ISSN 2446-9394


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in EcoDebate, ISSN 2446-9394


A manutenção da revista eletrônica EcoDebate é possível graças ao apoio técnico e hospedagem da Porto Fácil.


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