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Descongelamento do permafrost acelera emissão de gases estufa

degelo do permafrost

Descongelamento do permafrost acelera emissão de gases estufa

As regiões de permafrost são vastas e estão derretendo. Esta coleção examina as mudanças físicas, biogeoquímicas e do ecossistema relacionadas ao degelo do permafrost e os impactos associados.

Nature Portfolio

Physical changes

  • The changing thermal state of permafrost

    Permafrost thaw is directly governed by the thermal characteristics of the frozen ground. This Review outlines the status of and mechanisms influencing the thermal state of permafrost, revealing widespread increases in permafrost temperatures and active-layer thicknesses.

    • Sharon L. Smith
    • H. Brendan O’Neill
    • Vladimir E. Romanovsky
    Review Article Nature Reviews Earth & Environment

    Permafrost is warming at a global scale

    Climate change strongly impacts regions in high latitudes and altitudes that store high amounts of carbon in yet frozen ground. Here the authors show that the consequence of these changes is global warming of permafrost at depths greater than 10 m in the Northern Hemisphere, in mountains, and in Antarctica.

    • Boris K. Biskaborn
    • Sharon L. Smith
    • Hugues Lantuit
    Article Open Access Nature Communications



Broader impacts


Crédito da imagem de capa: Claudia Weinmann / Alamy Stock Photo


Fonte: Nature Portfolio

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in EcoDebate, ISSN 2446-9394


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