
Plataforma de informação, artigos e notícias sobre temas socioambientais


Pesquisas sobre as ameaças ambientais globais e nos trópicos


Pesquisas sobre as ameaças ambientais globais e nos trópicos

Caros colegas,

Vejam cinco novos artigos que surgiram recentemente e enfocam as ameaças ambientais nos trópicos e globalmente

Tudo de bom a todos(as)

  • Perils to Brazilian parks (Ruaro et al.)
  • Global forest degradation (Grantham et al.)
  • Climate change and tropical forests (Blundo et al.)
  • Rainforest logging (Katovai et al.)
  • Impacts of oil palm on Colombian mammals (Pardo et al.).

Por favor, compartilhem esses papéis com colegas e alunos interessados.

Tudo de bom a todos(as)


William F. Laurance, PhD, FAA, FAAAS, QAAS, FRSQ
Distinguished Research Professor
Australian Laureate & Prince Bernhard Chair in International Nature Conservation (Emeritus)
Director of the Centre for Tropical Environmental and Sustainability Science (TESS)
Director of ALERT (

College of Science and Engineering
James Cook University
Cairns, Queensland 4878, Australia


Ruaro, R., W. F. Laurance, and R. P. Mormul. 2020. Brazilian national parks at risk. Science 367:990.


Grantham, H. S., A. Duncan… W. F. Laurance, et al. 2020. Anthropogenic modification of forests means only 40% of remaining forests have high ecosystem integrity. Nature Communications 11:5978 .


Blundo, C., J. Carilla… W. F. Laurance, et al. 2021. Taking the pulse of Earth’s tropical forests using networks of highly distributed plots. Biological Conservation 260 (2021) 108849.


Katovai, E., D. D. Katovai, S. G. Laurance, W. Edwards, and W. F. Laurance. 2021. Structural recovery of logged forests in the Solomon Islands: Implications for conservation and management. Tropical Conservation Science 14:1-13


Pardo, L. E., M. J. Campbell, B. Gómez-Valencia, G. R. Clements, and W. F. Laurance. 2021. Effects of oil palm and human presence on the activity patterns of terrestrial mammals in the Colombian Llanos. Mammalian Biology,


in EcoDebate, ISSN 2446-9394


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